The Intentional Encourager Podcast shares connecting, inspiring, entertaining and enlightening stories of incredible people. Guests talk about their triumphs, tragedies, the biggest obstacle they’ve overcome, the lessons learned from it and their biggest piece of Intentional Encouragement. Every episode is an opportunity to get encouraged and stay encouraged!
Friday Oct 22, 2021
Friday Oct 22, 2021
Podcast Coach and Host of the Halfway There Podcast Eric Nevins joins this episode and talks about:
- Surviving a shooting at his kids' school and how he and his wife led his family through it.
- The most resilient generation in our times.
- The Sunday Morning Church Show.
- Using his background in Ministry to do his podcast.
- The one question he always asks in his podcast.
- The impact of America's evangelist.
- The real truth behind podcast numbers and the coolest part of podcasting.
- Growing up in a Christian family in Iowa and wanting to be an actor.
- Deciding he wanted to be a Pastor and how it shaped him.
- Discovering Podcasting and the night it changed his life.
- Overcoming himself as his biggest obstacle.
- Getting over Imposter syndrome.
- Keeping your audience in mind.
Connect with Eric at www.halfwaytherepodcast.com
Find the Halfway There Podcast on your favorite Podcast platform.
Watch this episode on The Intentional Encourager Podcast YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/u6xCdynHP7c
Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
Episode 172 with Podcaster, Teacher and Coach Joe Ferraro
Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
Podcaster, Teacher and Coach Joe Ferraro joins this episode and talks about:
- What comes to the surface in a normal conversation.
- The elevation of great conversation and the Third person involved.
- Everyday conversations turning into podcasts.
- Getting a free question with a guest.
- What 1% better sounds like to him.
- A movie scene that describes conversation.
- The real struggle in asking questions.
- Losing a former student and its impact.
- Becoming the youngest College Baseball coach in the country and the lesson he learned from the experience.
- The daily reckoning of doing the right thing.
- Being a more open communicator than his father.
- The intentionality of the 3 C's of Conversation.
- Conversation being playful.
Connect with Joe on Twitter @FerraroOnAir and find the Damn Good Conversation podcast and the 1% Better Conversations wherever you get podcasts.
Watch this episode on The Intentional Encourager Podcast YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/XcRcaUz-c2M
Friday Oct 15, 2021
Friday Oct 15, 2021
Speaker and Author of "Find Your Fire" Terri Broussard Williams joins this episode and talks about:
- A freak accident causing her own quarantine before the COVID pandemic.
- Being on the Hamster wheel of life and learning rest for the first time.
- Defining the "Great Me-Set."
- The lesson she learned as a child from her Art teacher.
- Three things she learned in injury recovery.
- Being a Teen reporter at 16 and the desire to give people access to information.
- The confusion of skills and traits.
- Firestarters are everyday people.
- Great movements in history.
- The 4 things in her Invisible backpack.
- The impact of her grandparents.
- Always finding ways to turn obstacles into opportunities.
Connect with Terri at her website: www.terribwilliams.com and on Instagram @movementmakercollective
Watch this episode on The Intentional Encourager Podcast YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/DlYvmWz3XRo
Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
Episode 170 with the Author of Apples and Oranges on Your Team Steve Sullivan
Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
Author of Apples and Oranges on Your Team Steve Sullivan joins this episode and talks about:
- Understanding the power of words and voicing life into your life.
- Speaking a language of appreciation.
- The real number of the perceived value of external rewards.
- The one action item leaders can implement to build value.
- The analogy of hidden chocolate and his new book.
- What his book is not.
- How he rediscovered storytelling.
- The impact of his writing partner.
- The times of emotion in writing and how to get into the flow of it.
- How his book would've helped him grow as a leader.
- The power of speaking to people.
Connect with Steve on Linkedin and find Apples and Oranges on Your Team at https://www.amazon.com/Apples-Oranges-Your-Team-Life-Giving-ebook
Watch this episode on The Intentional Encourager Podcast YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/XEFLB0ClOqM
Friday Oct 08, 2021
Friday Oct 08, 2021
Entrepreneur, Founder of the Talent Champions Council and Author of the Standing O Book Series Scott MacGregor joins this episode and talks about:
- Life being full of challenges and not catastrophizing things.
- The inspiration of watching people figure things out.
- The bus around the corner.
- The three attributes of top competitors.
- The impetus of the Talent Champions Council and the road trip that inspired it.
- Being a community builder.
- The greatest asset he possesses.
- His strong affinity for the United States Military and the sacrifices of Military families.
- Realizing at an early age he wanted to be successful.
- Getting to know people who've accomplished special things.
- Living in a different world from his family.
- Growing up playing baseball with a Baseball Hall of Famer and what he learned from it.
- Injuring his back before getting to play baseball in college.
- Getting the Swine Flu and discovering a rare, deadly disease that caused a Pacemaker installation.
- Finding the opportunities to build resiliency.
Connect with Scott on Linkedin and Instagram and at www.trysomethingnew.com and www.talentchampionscouncil.com
Find the Standing O Book Series on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=standing+o+book+scott+macgregor&ref=nb_sb_noss
Watch this episode on The Intentional Encourager Podcast YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/k6L3F6-j238
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Episode 168 with Pastor and Author Scott Distler
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Pastor and Author of the book, "The Cave: When Ministry Becomes Misery" Scott Distler joins this episode and talks about:
- The most different time in his life.
- Losing his Dad to COVID-19 and the hymn he sang as his Dad passed.
- The power of a Positive word.
- His book being born out of personal experience.
- Running into a Well-Intentioned dragon.
- The steps that led him into a cave and the shelter of it.
- Having "McEnvy" after an encounter at a McDonald's.
- Spending six months at an Insurance agency to learn lessons he needed.
- The freedom of Personal ministry and having no expectations.
- Always wanting to be a Pastor.
- His wife's influence of "getting him out of the cave."
- Answering a single question each day.
- What became his first priority.
- The reason God uses brokenness and life after the cave.
Connect with Scott at scottd@miefree.org and find his book at https://www.amazon.com/Cave-When-Ministry-Becomes-Misery
Watch this episode on The Intentional Encourager Podcast YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/PmY_PR2kCxQ
Friday Oct 01, 2021
Episode 167 with Content Creator, Sales and Leadership Expert Darren McKee
Friday Oct 01, 2021
Friday Oct 01, 2021
Content Creator, Sales and Leadership Expert Darren McKee joins this episode and talks about:
- Leaning on connections and converting them to friends.
- What is and isn't needed in business.
- The things wrong with Social Media and the influencer that helped him.
- Being "woke" in the midst of the Great Resignation.
- Making content your own.
- The fear of tension and how leapfrogging helps everyone.
- The encouragement around moving to the next level.
- Enjoying school for the camaraderie.
- College not being for him.
- His wife being an incredible encourager.
- Not being geographically tied down.
- Taking a $35K per year pay cut and failing miserably.
- Being real and intentional.
Connect with Darren on Linkedin.
Watch this episode on The Intentional Encourager Podcast YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/LMg7NpX0aXE
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Entrepreneur and Host of the Recorded Content Podcast Tristan Pelligrino joins this episode and talks about:
- Having the ability to be flexible and adaptable.
- Accessing talent all over the world.
- Doubling down on his own content.
- The two questions around podcasting.
- How to produce a show to help people.
- The difficulties companies have around Content Marketing.
- Getting to see how big corporations work and finding out he was just a number.
- Not wanting to keep the status quo in one place.
- Making many of the same mistakes in his new company as he did his old company.
- Losing his father in Graduate school and losing a mentor as well.
- How his father would envision his company now.
- Having the ability and desire to pursue the dream.
Connect with Tristan on Twitter @tpelligrino and @motionagencyio on Linkedin and www.motionagency.io and check out the Recorded Content Podcast
Watch this episode on The Intentional Encourager Podcast YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/0l_n8bhqfNg
Friday Sep 24, 2021
Episode 165 with Marketing Consultant, Speaker and Author Jaris Tucker
Friday Sep 24, 2021
Friday Sep 24, 2021
Marketing Consultant, Speaker and Author Jaris Tucker joins this episode and talks about:
- Not doing things in a traditional sense and creating a positive space.
- How his book "Nature Flow" came together and using it as an Exit strategy.
- The definition of great service and being in the right mindset to give great service.
- The one thing that immediately makes service levels better.
- Being responsible for others and taking care of his whole family.
- Getting treated differently as success came his way.
- Learning the value of treating people from having strong parents.
- The stigma of being an entrepreneur when he wasn't seen as one.
- The journey of finding his passion.
Connect with Jaris on Linkedin; jtucker1consulting@gmail.com and follow the hashtag #thinkersatwork
Watch this episode on The Intentional Encourager Podcast YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/8AMJQgY1JB4
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Episode 164 with the Seed Sower Coach Kirk McCarley
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
The Seed Sower Coach Kirk McCarley joins this episode and talks about:
- Doing remote broadcasts with ESPN, behind the scenes of a broadcast and knowing what you can and can't do during a broadcast.
- The genesis of the Seed Sower Coaching program.
- Knowing how to ask good questions.
- Having the ability to read a situation.
- Seeing enough of himself to be inspirational.
- Playing Pee Wee basketball and falling in love with stats.
- The world going dark during an workout and an ensuing Triple-bypass surgery.
- Getting better than he was before.
- The richness of connections.
- Looking at obstacles as a way to find opportunities.
Connect with Kirk on Linkedin and at www.theseedsowercoach.com
Watch this episode on The Intentional Encourager Podcast YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/p4YXBb5rMg4