The Intentional Encourager Podcast shares connecting, inspiring, entertaining and enlightening stories of incredible people. Guests talk about their triumphs, tragedies, the biggest obstacle they’ve overcome, the lessons learned from it and their biggest piece of Intentional Encouragement. Every episode is an opportunity to get encouraged and stay encouraged!
Friday Dec 03, 2021
Episode 183 with the Founder and President of End It For Good Christina Dent
Friday Dec 03, 2021
Friday Dec 03, 2021
Founder and President of End It For Good Christina Dent joins this episode and talks about:
- Buying bikes during the pandemic and playing Ping-pong with her husband.
- Finding new ways to connect with people.
- The new "addiction" in our society and the things we go to when we want to "check out."
- The society of deeply connected relationships.
- The core answer for addiction.
- The worsening crisis of addiction.
- What lockdowns disrupted and the massive scale of relapse.
- The thing that really kills the addicted.
- What End It For Good does to truly help people.
- The drivers of Fentanyl use.
- Growing up in a Conservative Christian home.
- Being the last person thought to be working in addiction.
- Meeting Joann and her incredible impact.
- Challenging her heart and mindset.
- Rethinking the approach to Harm reduction.
- Maintaining and open door and what addicted people need most.
- Wherever we are, we can be a helping hand.
Connect with Christina on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @EndItForGood.
Watch this episode on The Intentional Encourager Podcast YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/4P-o-Jue6CI
Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
Episode 182 wih Sales Trainer and Podcast Host James Buckley
Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
Sales Trainer and Podcast Host James Buckley joins this episode and talks about:
- The "Help Me" question.
- The formulaic approach to messaging.
- Not a History lesson, but a reinvention.
- Hope is not a strategy.
- The seller in the trenches and the key metrics of Sales.
- Capitalizing on your people.
- What good Salespeople do really well.
- Leaning into his energy and personality.
- The time and place to be transactional.
- Why the Sales cycle is broken and looking for the wrong thing.
- The most important question a Sales person will ask.
- Going from needing encouragement to giving it.
- Moving to East Tennessee from Miami with a drug problem.
- Cocaine being his gasoline working in a Restaurant kitchen.
- The moment he realized he had a drug problem.
- His heart nearly exploding and finding it in an X-ray.
- Going through 3 Treatment centers.
- The 2 words he would've said to himself in the hospital.
- Recognizing your real worth.
- Making the change for the better in everything in your life.
Connect with James on Linkedin; @saywhatsales on Twitter and Instagram and james@jbarrows.com
Don't forget the Special link event James mentions during the episode as well: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/come-prospect-with-us-tickets-203072684867?aff=friends
Watch this episode on The Intentional Encourager Podcast YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/onZOKqSCZsA
Friday Nov 19, 2021
Episode 181 with Author and Artist Anita Burkett
Friday Nov 19, 2021
Friday Nov 19, 2021
Author and Artist Anita Burkett joins this episode and talks about:
- The power of coming together.
- Using phone calls to overcome loneliness.
- Being ready to meet the Lord and always having him on our minds.
- Selling her first paintings in her Grief Therapy class.
- The fear of putting her book out into the world.
- The special meaning of her Pen name.
- The various emotions of writing a book.
- Going through a divorce and meeting a man named Mike seven years later.
- Mike's passing three months before their wedding.
- The hurtful things people say in grief.
- The "God Thing" about dating Mike.
- How she believes Mike would respond to her books and art.
- Healing is always available through grief.
Connect with Anita on Twitter @AnitaJada1 and get her book "Mike and Me: A Guide to Caring for the Grieving" at https://www.amazon.com/s?k=mike+and+me+a+guide+to+caring+for+the+grieving&ref=nb_sb_noss
Watch this episode on The Intentional Encourager Podcast YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/BRS9kN-C7B8
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Author of Really Care For Them and Chief Customer Officer Mareo McCracken joins this episode and talks about:
- The expansion of the Sales cycle.
- The courage in encouragement.
- The most important part of business.
- The correct way to listen to clients.
- The pursuit of empathy.
- The 3 Power statements.
- The restaurant he looks to for courage.
- Living all over the world and what his life was built to do.
- His single Mom raising 6 kids after his father left.
- What he learned from his father and what his mother taught him.
- Moving to Arizona 10 days before his Senior year of High school.
- The story you tell yourself.
- The hard thing to do is the right thing to do.
- Approaching emotions correctly.
- Thinking about someone else for 5 minutes and then going to help them.
Connect with Mareo on Linkedin or at www.mareomccracken.com and get his book Really Care For Them at https://www.amazon.com/Really-Care-Them-Everyone-Increase
Watch this episode on The Intentional Encourager Podcast YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/D7PpEAWiGBQ
Friday Nov 12, 2021
Episode 179 with Entrepreuner and Business Coach Joseph Oliver
Friday Nov 12, 2021
Friday Nov 12, 2021
Entrepreuner and Business Coach Joseph Oliver joins this episode and talks about:
- Getting laid off in April 2020 and having no idea what to do to support his family.
- Flushing out the blind spots.
- The Black Swan effect in his life.
- The opposite of "Blue Sky" thinking.
- The systematic and creative system of Job farming.
- Action replacing apathy.
- The investment he made that felt big.
- Meeting the person that changed his life.
- The simplicity of business.
- The flywheel that runs the Economic engine.
- Losing logic in the midst of emotions.
- The history behind someone's eyes.
- His "Hope Road" experience.
- Re-thinking his life and giving it to the Lord after a physical reaction to doing drugs.
- Keeping it simple and staying optimistic.
Connect with Joseph on Twitter @OliverFlips and Instagram @Oliversflipfinds
Watch this episode on The Intentional Encourager Podcast YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/zgyejtQFsM4
Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
Inspirational Speaker, Inventor and Small Business Owner Dana Knowles joins this episode and talks about:
- The value of preparation.
- Tapping into adjustment and adaptability.
- Fighting the wind.
- The 3 things she needs in life and the 1 thing she could rely upon.
- Practicing gratitude for many years of her life.
- Finding your God-given talent.
- The disease of more.
- Being sexually molested at 12 and her first alcoholic drink at 13 and ultimately, the other things the abuse led to in her life.
- The significance of September 4, 1997 and what happens to her every year on that date.
- Being homeless and rebuilding her life by overcoming her guilt and shame.
- Dreaming of being an inventor and speaker in the midst of addiction.
- What her mother taught her.
- Playing your passion tape all the way through.
Connect with Dana on Linkedin and Facebook and www.danaknowlesinspires.com
Find her product Grand Fusion Housewares Shower Caddy on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=grand+fusion+housewares+shower+caddy&ref=nb_sb_noss_2
Watch this episode on The Intentional Encourager Podcast YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/jiRWTiVOCTo
Friday Nov 05, 2021
Episode 177 with Children‘s Author and US Military Veteran Jered Zank
Friday Nov 05, 2021
Friday Nov 05, 2021
Children's Author and US Military Veteran Jered Zank joins this episode and talks about:
- The dichotomy of chaos and blessing.
- The plan of action in place in his life that changed in a moment.
- What makes God laugh.
- Having the Adapt and Overcome mentality.
- Volunteering to go to Iraq after 9/11.
- The gift he's had for a long time.
- Revisiting his former elementary school and the impact of his Second grade teacher.
- Developing the patience needed to be an author.
- What he wants people to know when they buy his book.
- The roughest day and the story that came from it.
- Working to find the happy ending of his life.
- How serving in Iraq changed him for the better.
- Remembering that God is in control.
- His 7-year-old's Intentional encouragement.
Connect with Jered on Facebook and pick up a copy of The Ruffest Day on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Ruffest-Day-Jered-Zank
Watch this episode on The Intentional Encourager Podcast YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/ozHYUc4dPDs
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
Entrepreneur, Trader, Yogi and Founder of the Forex Group Clay Hodges joins this episode and talks about:
- Finding the truth in the center of the storm.
- The advice of Warren Buffett.
- The beautiful rebound of the market and the real value of numbers.
- Avoiding vices that can cripple you.
- The normalization of drug abuse and the journey he took to get clean from it.
- The depths of his denial and sabotaging himself with his issues.
- Thinking he was fooling people.
- Calling his counselor in the midst of desperation.
- Catching himself in a Misery indulgence.
- The failed relationship that finally got him clean and the public struggle of what happened to him.
- Being found dead behind a Walmart toilet and being revived with Narcan.
- Reaching the ultimate point of surrender.
- Having nothing to lose in going for it.
Connect with Clay on Instagram @Clay.B.Hodges; Ronin Forex Group on YouTube or www.roninforexgroup.com
Watch this episode on The Intentional Encourager Podcast YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/TQb2AH9Ag9o
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Author, Evangelist, Publisher and Podcaster Rev. Brandon Crooker joins this episode and talks about:
- Going to church despite mandates.
- The connection between God and man.
- Where the grass is truly greener.
- The three things that will impede progress.
- How we can transform our minds.
- Removing the things that trigger our past.
- The key to moving forward.
- The biggest misconception of ministry.
- The influences of his aunts on his Spiritual journey.
- Surviving an abusive encounter at a Church camp.
- The moment of being set free in the midst of a failing marriage.
- The secret to overcoming things.
- The power of making a decision.
- Never forgetting that God loves you.
Connect with Rev. Brandon on Twitter @bm_crooker; Instagram and Facebook at www.crookerfamilyministries.com and find his Apostolic Theory Podcast at www.anchor.fm/ApostolicTheory
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Episode 174 with Sales and Business Coach and Storytelling Expert Chris Watson
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Sales and Business Coach and Storytelling Expert Chris Watson joins this episode and talks about:
- Telling generational stories and finding out more than just the facts.
- The restaurant chain that tells a great story.
- The St. Louis Cardinals legend Chris would love to have a chance to tell his story.
- The impact of his Dad in storytelling.
- How to begin telling a more impactful story.
- The 4 things critical to a great story.
Connect with Chris at chriswatson@craftandcompel.com or go to www.craftandcompel.com
Watch this episode on The Intentional Encourager Podcast YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/HIg8UQm8b2E